Welcome to A Place Where Every Human's Rights and Liberties Are Sacred.

The miraculous nature of this work is only there to emphasize the importance of the message. This work is based on the life and teaching of Jesus Christ, the Great Commandment, the Bible in general, and the fruit of long-standing Christian culture – the enlightenment, with its promise of liberty, equality, human rights, and paradise on earth.

The spirit of the enlightenment surely revolved around the same ideas, of the the people and true equal liberty and justice for all. The public bible was a wave-maker, and there were many big waves of this phenomena, and the US as a nation of these idea(l)s, has been effective with multi-ethnicity. after all. Not a nation of race, ethnicity, religion (in order with equal universal rights), language, or even sex or sexuality (in order with equal self-ownership/voluntarism (of adults)), but, instead, “liberty and justice for all”.
To me, this insight has come through Rasta calling, guidance, choosing, and blessing.

Consider this a sign. Declare your independence from world powers, and help spread the spirit of love, truth, and liberty with this simple message and teaching for philosophy, politics and personal life, in line with the life and teaching of Jesus Christ. Apply it to everyone – friend and foe alike.

The Principles

"We hold these truths to be self-evident; That all humans are created equal, and endowed by their creator with certain inalienable rights..."

First of all, let’s go through the clear and simple four core principles. Then I’ll show you how they fit into the symbols within the central word LOVE, biblically founded. Keep the question “who wants to compromise any of these rights for anyone, and on what grounds?” nearby while pondering these principles.



Equality/Egalitarianism. Clear and simple equality. We all used to know what that meant, somewhat. Especially generation x.  Neutrality in law, regarding sex, skin color, ethnicity, and not making a big, separating fuzz about it.


Liberty (negative). Freedom from interference from other people, whether gov, corp, ngo, your neighbor, or the man/woman on the street. Negative liberty is primarily concerned with freedom from external constraint. For adults it should be well organized/regulated, but  pretty much full, and restricted only by other’s rights. Children should be brought up in a way as to be able to live in a free society. This means a stable and loving childhood environment, and age-appropriate introduction to adult subjects.


Liberty (positive). Negative liberty contrasts with positive liberty, which is the possession of power and resources to fulfill one’s potential. This includes, among other things :
– Money (adequate UBI)
– Information (product/service info, transparency, and access to public info)
– Health (guaranteed sick care, but also access to health care and * as norm), etc.


Good Environment. There is so much unnatural, manipulated, dehumanizing, unhealthy, manipulating, distorting in our modern living environment. We need to have a rigorous public discussion about all aspects of this. We also need to have strong rights to create a natural, healthy environment. 

Honestly, which right would you not claim for yourself, and on what grounds would you deny anyone the same?

The Word


Jesus Christ in his royal incarnation, as “King of kings, Lord of lords, Conquering Lion of the Tribe of Judah”
– Haile Selassie I (= “Power of the Holy Trinity, the first”)
– HIM (His Imperial Majesty)

According to the founders of the US, mainly negative liberty, in itself, required a moral people. This, according to this work,  means adult hedonistic or radical or extreme lifestyle’s excesses and problems are mitigated by guaranteed and direct right to adequate money and access to knowledge, equal and full rights for all, natural and healthy living-environment, and religion/wisdom is centrally important.

Biblical Ties:

The first letter of John in the new testament says “God is Love” two times. Love is also the central theme of the global culture revolution of the past generations, like reason was for the enlightenment.

LOVE turned around can be written 3AO7. Only these numbers and letters fit. Each of these four symbols have been predefined thousands of years ago. You can find the numbers on the first page of the bible and the letters on the last page.


The curtains in the tabernacle/temple were in these three colors.

Exodus 26:1: “Make a curtain of blue, purple and scarlet yarn and finely twisted linen, with cherubim woven into it by a skilled worker.

The colors and the twelve symbols in the logo pay homage to the ancient Israelite priestly garment, with the three colors – red, blue and purple – and twelve different crystals on the breastplate, for the twelve tribes.

In Shortest:

3 and A puts us all in larger context and makes sustained abundance and meaning possible for everyone.

O and 7 are interpersonal legal principles that work between a few or a few billion people. They put a social emphasis on “unite and liberate”, the opposite of “divide and rule/conquer”- the credo of all tyrants.

3. (Third yowm/day). Make our living environment healthy and life-affirming. Centrally, let the main plant booster – CO2 – increase. Help plant life and humans thrive. (*)
A. (Alpha/Beginning). Utilize what nature has to offer fully and wisely, and especially our main plant ally – hemp. It was prohibited by the Gods pre-flood (Gen 3:22), kept in sacred priesthood and kingship rituals throughout the old testament (Exodus 30:22-), used to heal people and cast out bad consciousness by Jesus & disciples (Mark 6:13), and plays a central role in restoring the garden and healing the nations at the end of the history (Rev 22:2-)
O. (Omega/end of politics). Let adults live as they want, as long as they respect other’s same right. Organize this in a fair and reasonable fashion. Raise children healthy, strong, conscious, aware, and balanced, to prepare them for a truly free society. (-)
Guarantee every human being adequate resources (money and trustworthy info) as a minimum, without hassle. (+)
7. (Seventh yowm/day). Neutrality/equality regarding class, sex, gender, race/ethnicity, (voluntary adult) sexuality, faith, status, etc. in matters of rights and duties. (=)

In Short:

7: Has to do with learning to distinguish between spiritual light and darkness, good and evil, instead of learning pseudo-scientific thinking based on demographic traits like sex/gender, skin color/ethnicity, sexual orientation, ability, etc. or titles wealth, status, that say next to nothing about the individuals we meet. 

This is what ”day”/yowm/eon seven is about; from our innocent beginnings through eating of ”the fruit of the knowledge of good and evil”, and through history. It reminds us to ponder psychology and personality, virtue and character. This allows a release of resources from the massive push to reintroduce a new race-, sex-, sexuality-, ability-, etc. mentality to actually beneficial areas, regardless of demographic.

O: Omega is the last letter in the Greek alphabet and deals with the end of history, which is a common concept is philosophy. It ends the political dialectic. It describes the optimal political philosophy; which is every individual’s full basic liberty, both negative- and positive-.

Negative liberty, in short, is “live as you choose, as long as you don’t infringe on other’s equal right” (some public community standards may apply). This is merely a redirection of common resources from policing personal vice “crime” to prevention of people directly hurting each other or putting them/us/you in undue danger. In speech this entails mere prosecuting stalker behavior, threats, inciting violence, slander, etc. A lot of the good results from policy based on this principle can be negated by neglect of the other, supporting, principles. 

Positive liberty, in short, is “guaranteed adequate financial and informational resources for everyone”. We should end usury banking and institute an automated guaranteed basic income as the foundational mechanism in money creation and distribution. Beyond this, perhaps voucher systems, could guarantee sick care and education. Adequate information consists in fullest and clearest possible insight in government, as well as products, services, and corporations in the market.

A: Alpha is the first letter in the Greek alphabet and deals with the beginning, our origin story, as written in the Torah, and decoded through science and logic. They basically tell the same order of events. The Torah/Bible just puts a lot of emphasis on the influence of plants and substances, as well as an ancient water cataclysm, on early human consciousness. The main message of our beginning, along with the end of the bible is – Legalize and maximally utilize hemp, cannabis, kaneh bosm, and ALL NATURAL PLANTS/MUSHROOMS in general.


3: Generally, this has to do with high-quality and natural environment/atmosphere for humans and life in general. 

“Day”/yowm/eon three is when plants came about (Genesis 1:11-12). The atmosphere and skylights, necessary for plants, came about on “days” two and four respectively.
 As the sun, moon, and stars are tailor made for the plants, so can the atmosphere be optimal, or less good for plants.

What is the optimal atmosphere for plants like? The main message in 3 concerns carbon dioxide. The optimal co2-level for plants is around 1000 ppm / 0.1 %. The current level is just above 400 ppm / 0.04 %. Normal levels for the thriving life on our planet have been 1000 – 5000 ppm or 0.1 – 0.5 %. So, the optimal level for plants is a low normal level.

Shroud Of Turin

shroudofturin (2)

Interesting fact – The face of Yeshu on the Shroud of Turin is said to have coins over his eyes. 


… and you don’t even have to squint or imagine too much to see the symbols A, 3, 7, and O written across his forehead, from viewer’s point of view left to right.

The Principles and Word Coined


The principles and message are evident on this four-piece pendant.